Few Word by Participants

All those who come to Ashram are a living witness that THIS is the place for Kingdom of God realization. Below are some of the experiences of the members of U.C.A team during their stay at the Sattal Christian Ashram: 

The Sattal Ashram is a very special place. The setting in the mountains is beautiful the people are so warm and loving to visitors. I really felt God's love and grace here at Sat Tal. The Holy Spirit truly inhabits Sat Tal Ashram.

Kim Freels
Georgetown, Texas
The Sat Tal Ashram is the Kingdome of God on earth. The land, the buildings, the Indian Ashramites, the UCA visitors come together in life, love, and learning.

Libby Dietrich
San Francisco, California

What a wonderful blessing and gift to be in the Sat Tal Ashram this week. God has blessed me personally and all of us corporately with his grandeur and beauty. Surely God is in this place. I am sad to leave, but joyful to carry its love and spirit back into the world.

Marlene Williams
Georgetown, Texas
My stay at Sat Tal Ashram has offered me many blessings. My most cherished experience was having the opportunity to worship on fellowship with the many different Indians who joined our group at the Ashram. I am also grateful with the different Indians who joined our group at the Ashram. I am also grateful for the assistance and patience The Ashram Staff; they made the visit very comfortable and joyful. I also found the opportunity to renew myself spiritually. Best is all it gave me the chance to get to know the other members of our group. This was a special time for me for which I will always be thankful.

Susan Talley
Washington D.C
God-led and loved-filled were my past six days and five nights at the Sat Tal Christian Ashram! What an Amazing experience this first ashram of my life has been. The meals of delicious food prepared and served by such kind and thoughtful people, were opportunities for fellowship until our UCA group and until the lovely people of India who arrived before we did. The morning sessions and the evening chapel sessions were opportunities for learning, for greater understanding and for prayer. Bishop Downes presentation on the "Kingdom of God" was a major highlight. The one-day Christian Ashram, led by the UCA was Incredible! Starting it off with the audio of Brother Stanley speaking was perfect, and every aspect of the Ashram that followed was informative and moving. The small groups, the healing service and the lovely communion service were very special. Even though I will leave tomorrow morning, the Sat Tal Christian Ashram, its Lovely people who work here, and its various programs will stay in my heart and in my prayers.

Barbara Hubbard
I came on this United Christian Ashram tour to understand more about India and the Christian ashram concept that Brother E. Stanley Jones founded, I have heard much about the Sat Tal Ashram from Sister Anne Mathews Younes, (Bishop) Brother James, Sister Eunice Mathews and from needing books by these four brothers and sisters in God. I was blessed to grow my knowledge and faith through presentations and prayers. I was able to expand the definition of my neighbor (my brother and sisters in the Kingdom of God) and learn new ways to serve them. Two quotes that will guide me most are:
1. Not to be served but to serve.
2. Not to bring the Kingdom of God but to be The Kingdom of God.
I return to my normal routine trying to understand these percepts and to live them.

Frank Hubard
Fhubbard 46@gmail.com