The purpose of the Foundation is to preserve and extend the legacy of the late E. Stanley Jones who blessed millions of people around the world. This is done by supporting and extending the Christian World Mission throughout the world, republishing and reprinting his books and other writings, and supporting the growth and extension of the Christian Ashram ministry which he founded in 1930.
A current project of the ESJ Foundation is to facilitate the reprinting of some of Brother Stanley's books that are currently out of print. Special Bond Dr E Stanley Jones had with the Chairperson
October 2011
It is not an exaggeration that Dr Anne Younes-Mathews has taken the mantle of the Christian Ashram Movement, which her grandfather spearheaded. We can attribute the special bond that existed between the two. A leader is one who devote special time to be humorous and ESJ was definitely had this attribute, which is evident from the following pictures: Jones and Ann are laughing into the camera. Jones has his arm around his granddaughter and is wearing a pair of ladies clip-on earrings.
Jones and Ann are having fun making faces and clowning around together. Jones has his arms thrown out in an excalmatory gesture and his mouth open wide. Ann has her hair up in curlers and is facing Jones with her hands up and her mouth open.
American Theological Library Association is maintaining the digital resources of Dr E Stanley Jones. There are about 300 pictures of ESJ available for viewing. To view the pictures, please visit the following link:
Then type "Jones" in the box: 'Keyword Anywhere' and click search, which will take you to the digital picture library of ESJ.
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